Off the Map Inc has grown steadily over the last 15 years, and we have done this with a growing team of great people. As I look ahead, I realize that having an experienced mentor and board of directors is essential for future growth. I am looking for people who have navigated simular waters, and bring with them decades of experience. There are decesions that need to be made, and I know with the help of a few more experts, these decesions will be better, more secure, and help insure the long term foundation being built.
Influencial media
- Good to Great - Jim Collins - and the rest of his books
- Thomm Hartmann - Radio/TV producer
- Smart Passive Income - Great Podcast
- Nancy Duerte - Presentation producer/author
Right fit?
- Understands potential of Off the Map inc
- Extensive business experience, ideally with arts/technology company?
- Successful leader of 50-100 people
- Interest in leaving a lasting positive mark